January 25, 2010

Stubrn, Maps and Groovy

I've added a new feature to Stubrn: Instead of implementing an anonymous class with methods or fields as shown here, you can now pass a Map<String,Object> as a holder to stubFor().

It will take the key as the method name and the value as the return value of stubbed method. This will look like:

Stubbery stubbery = new Stubbery();

Map<String,Object> map = new HashMap<String,Object>();
map.put("findByName",Lists.newArrayList(new Entity("foo")));

EntityDAO stub = stubbery.stubFor(EntityDAO.class,map);

Controller sud = new Controller();


Yes, i agree, on the first look, this does not appear very concise, but if we assume now, that we have a Groovy Test, then we get something like

// this is Groovy
Stubbery stubbery = new Stubbery();

EntityDAO stub = stubbery.stubFor(EntityDAO.class, [findByName:[new Entity("foo")]]);

Controller sud = new Controller();

Assert.assertEquals(sud.listEntities("foo").size(), 1);

This looks better. And the important fact here is: You can test Java classes with this approach, hence it might be quite handy. And finally we added another convenience method to the Stubbery: stubFor(Class forclass,String methodName,Object returnValue) which leads us to:

EntityDAO stub = stubbery.stubFor(
        EntityDAO.class,"findByName",Lists.newArrayList(new Entity("foo")));

Controller sud = new Controller();


Stubrn lives on Github. You might also like to browse all articles on Stubrn.

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