January 25, 2010

Stubrn, Maps and Groovy

I've added a new feature to Stubrn: Instead of implementing an anonymous class with methods or fields as shown here, you can now pass a Map<String,Object> as a holder to stubFor().

January 23, 2010

Stubrn - Some Ideas about Concise Stubs in Java


There are a lot of cool Java Mock frameworks out there in the wild. I am a great fan of JMock myself, but nevertheless, they are Mock frameworks. As a matter of fact, sometimes i just want to use a Stub and not a Mock. That said, and not finding a proper solution to fit my needs, i started considering my demands. If you are as eager as me to see the results of this quest, feel free to read on!

August 14, 2009

Marrying GWT with Spring the Generic Way

During the last days I've played around with GWT and Spring. Although there are already plenty of blog posts describing how to tunnel GWT Services through a Spring DispatcherServlet, they have all one disadvantage in common: They require to do a lot of explicit Spring Bean Definitions. In this post I describe a nice mechanism to automatically create those Bean Definitions, freeing the Bean Config of redundant, boilerplate code.